
Explain  the word  Papyrus
Is famous Alababiros. Kind of platoon Saadia cyperus Papyrus (1 in 8: 11) grows in the swamps of the Nile and the Hula. The Egyptians were making him baskets and Osvata Kambasst who put the prophet Moses (Exodus 2: 3 and 5) and was impressed when it is said that they made him Boats (1 St. 18: 2) because the legs were very durability and flexibility, flexes on each other with ease. The Egyptians synthesized of papyrus slavery known with Alababiros paper.
And how to make paper is to be taken inner section of reeds mentioned feashak to small belts then stick to each other belts with glue and leave it in the sun to dry well.

It is worth noting that word Almtorgomo "paper" in 2 John 12 refers to the paper from papyrus.It has been found in Egypt large amounts of papyrus, which is of great importance in the study of the Bible. Among this Brady Alolventan or island is written very Aramaic has written s Qamih was written before the year 400 BC in the region of Aswan.Brady "Nash" It is written in Hebrew and contains some parts of the Ten Commandments and dates back to the second century BC.Brady John Ralandz and contains some parts of the Old Testament very Greek came from the second century BC. (See more on this topic here at the site of St. Takla in the pages of a dictionary and other interpretations of the Bible). Among these group Waaqid part unknown to the present time of the New Testament, which is part of the Gospel of John and due to the early second century AD.The Chester Beatty papyri and contain parts of the Old Testament and the New Testament very Greek. And Brady Boudmar  and includes most of the Gospel of John and dating to about 200 AD.And papyrus who discovered near Nag Hammad, due to the third and fourth centuries. Image: Copy of St. Paul's letter to the Romans c. AD 180-200 Greek text on papyrus

شرح كلمة البَرْدِي

هو البابيروس الشهير. نوع من الفصيلة السعدية cyperus Papyrus (1 ي 8: 11) ينمو في مستنقعات النيل والحولة. وكان المصريون يصنعون منه سلالًا وأسفاطًا كالسفط الذي وضع فيه موسى النبي (خر 2: 3 و5) ولاعجب إذا قيل أنهم صنعوا منه قوارب (1 ش 18: 2) لأن سيقانه كانت في غاية المتانة والليونة, تنثني على بعضها البعض بكل سهولة. واصطنع المصريون من البرديّ الرق المعروف بورق البابيروس. وكيفية صنع الورق منه هو أن يؤخذ القسم الداخلي من القصب المذكور فيشق إلى سيور صغيرة ثم تلتصق هذه السيور بعضها إلى بعض بالغراء وتترك في الشمس إلى أن تجف جيدًا

ومما تجدر ملاحظته أن الكلمة المترجمو "ورق" في 2 يوحنا 12 تشير إلى ورق من البردي.


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