great pyramid or the pyramid of Cheops is the most controversial world
effects and fantasy, the only remaining of the seven wonders of the
world, promoted by many around him a lot of myths and stories, some
residents of ravaged continent Perth lost their builders of pyramids, I
suppose others amalika underground climbed to build this pyramid, and
others claimed that the pyramid was built by magic, or that
extraterrestrials descended from space and the art exhibit, and many,
many stories that show how this thriller architectural construction.
Khufu's Pyramid building is a cultural shift in the history of ancient
Egypt, and was influenced by his father King Khafre khovoi khanom bent
pyramid building, after his death, Khufu became Horus, and it became
necessary to think about building his tomb, which is the first national
project in ancient Egypt.
Label the great Pyramid:
Hamad Oyono is the architect of King Khufu, students and scientists
were sent to the city of Boston to choose a name for the pyramid, the
name is: sister of Cheops no skyline of cheops. This
is the sight that he would fly from the God RA, the Sun boats to
sailing and blaspheming his stars, blocked, kills the evil spirits Livni
evil, venerated by people. King Khufu is the first King considered himself the God RA
الهرم الأكبر
يعد بناء هرم الملك خوفو نقلة حضارية كبرى في تاريخ مصر القديم، وقد تأثر خنوم خوفوي خفرع بأبيه الملك سنفرو في بناء هرمه، فبعد موته، أصبح خوفو الإله حورس، وأصبح من الضروري أن يفكر في بناء مقبرته والتي تعد المشروع القومي الأول في مصر القديمة.
تسمية بالهرم الأكبر:
كان الأمير حم إيونو هو مهندس الملك خوفو، وقد أرسل الطلاب والعلماء إلى مدينة أون كي يختاروا اسما للهرم، وكان ذلك الاسم هو: آخت خوفو أي أفق خوفو. فهذا هو الأفق الذي سيستقل منها الإله رع مراكب الشمس كي يبحر بها وتجدف له النجوم، ويقتل بمجاديفها الأرواح الشريرة ليفنى الشر فيقدسه شعبه. والملك خوفو هو أول ملك يعتبر نفسه الإله رع على الأرض
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